FAQs About Morton's Neuroma
Morton's neuroma is a foot condition that can lead to difficulty walking for some people. The condition is usually treatable without medical intervention. If you have been diagnosed with the condition, here is what you need to know.
What Is Morton's Neuroma?
Morton's neuroma is a foot condition that results from a nerve tissue growth. As the condition develops, the tissue surrounding the nerve leading to your toes tends to thicken. The result is pain that is sometimes sharp and burning. You could also experience numbness and tingling in your toes.
In some cases, the condition develops as a result of wearing the wrong footwear. High-heeled and tight-fitting shoes are often to blame for the condition. In other instances, the cause is unknown.
However, genetic factors can often indicate who is more likely to get the condition. For instance, people with flat feet or high arches are more likely to develop Morton's neuroma.
What Can You Do?
In most instances, the symptoms of Morton's neuroma can be alleviated by simply switching to a more supportive shoe. To help with the pain, you can try ice packs and massaging the affected area. To keep the pressure off of your feet while recovering, try using shoe pads.
If the pain persists, your podiatrist can treat your condition with prescription medications. For instance, corticosteroid and alcohol sclerosing injections can help provide temporary relief.
The podiatrist can also fit you for custom shoe inserts. The inserts help to keep the pressure off of the nerves that are impacted by the tissue growth.
If you continue to experience pain or you are not getting relief from the injections and shoe inserts, your podiatrist can perform surgery. The surgery focuses on removing the affected nerve tissue. In some instances, cryogenic neuroablation therapy is used instead of surgery. The procedure uses cold temperatures to kill the nerve cells.
Can Morton's Neuroma Reoccur?
There is a slight possibility that Morton's neuroma can return. However, you can take steps to lower the chances of it recurring. For instance, continue to focus on wearing comfortable shoes that have ample room for your toes. To keep the pressure off of your feet, ensure that the shoes have adequate padding.
Consult with your podiatrist as soon as the symptoms return. By addressing the symptoms early, you can possibly keep the condition from getting worse and leading to the need for additional surgery. For more information, contact a podiatrist like Dr. Maurice Levy.